FODMAP stands for fermentable, oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols. These are carbohydrates that are found in common food items and contribute to gassiness, bloating, abdominal pain and diarrhea. The severity of these symptoms are dependent on each individual’s tolerance. The low FODMAP diet is a common diet that looks at food items that are high in fermentable carbohydrates and eliminates them from the diet. So whether you have annoying and difficult IBS symptoms or have multiple food allergies, following the low FODMAP diet will help you discover the types of foods that give you problems and will better help manage the symptoms.
We had a great few classes for our IBS support group discussing the low fodmap diet. Last session we were able to test out some recipes and discuss different success when trying to cook low fodmap. It was a great class with a lot of good ideas brought to the table. We made a Marinara sauce and tried different gluten free pastas to go with it. Zoodles are also an option to have as well. Below are some great swap out ideas and also my low fodmap Marinara recipe.
2 cans diced tomato, plain
Green part of scallions
2 Tbsp oil infused with garlic
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp basil
Heat oil in skillet, next place leeks in and cook till translucent. Add tomatoes, basil and oregano. Cook for about 30 minutes. Serve with gluten free pasta or zoodles.
Some common swaps:
Fruit & Vege:
Garlic –> Garlic-infused oil
Onion –> Onion infused oil, leek leaves
Shallots –> Chives
Asparagus –> Green beans
Snow peas –> Carrot, capsicum
Cauliflower –> Broccoli
Sweet potato –> White potato
Butternut pumpkin –> Japanese pumpkin
Mushrooms –> Zucchini, eggplant
Legumes (beans, chickpeas) –> Tofu, eggs
Apples, pears –> Kiwi fruit, berries, oranges
Mango –> Papaya, pineapple
Stone fruits –> Oranges, mandarin
Noodles –> Rice noodles, konjac noodles, soba noodles, quinoa and rice noodles (check items to ensure they do not contain fodmap ingredients)
Pasta –> GF pasta
Couscous –> Quinoa
Rye/wheat crackers –> GF crackers, rice cakes
Wheat flour –> ‘The Healthy Baker’ Low FODMAP plain flour! OR Gluten-free flour (if baking breads/cakes you may need to add ~1 tsp xanthan gum per cup flour). Other varieties – quinoa flour, buckwheat flour.
Milk (cows, goat, sheep) –> Lactose-free dairy or plant-based e.g. soy, almond (look for at least 120 mg/100 ml calcium in plant-based milks)
Yoghurt –> Lactose-free dairy or coconut yoghurt (note that LF dairy is usually higher in protein and calcium)
Ricotta/cream cheese –> feta, cottage, cheddar cheese
Agave, honey –> Maple syrup
Cashews, pistachios –> Macadamias, pecans
Finally –
If you cook for others who don’t want to let go of their high-FODMAP foods, try cooking high-FODMAP food separately and adding it in after you have taken out your low-FODMAPs portion (obviously this won’t work with all meals).
Low FODMAP Swap Outs